Senator Marcellino Announces Public Meetings And Comment Period On Proposed Brownfield Regulations

State Senator Carl L. Marcellino (R, Syosset), Chairman of the Senate Environmental Conservation Committee, has announced the release of draft regulations for the historic "Brownfield" Legislation that he authored in 2003. The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation recently released the proposed regulations which are subject to a public comment period.
In addition, the Department with the Department of Health will be hosting public informational meetings across the State. There will be a meeting at SUNY Farmingdale from 10 am to 4:30 on Tuesday, December 6, 2005 in Roosevelt Hall, Little Theater.
"In 2003, when we passed legislation that created a cutting edge program designed to turn polluted properties from a local economic drain into an economic gain, we all were very proud. However, for some, these proposed regulations may not go far enough. I believe that those who worked so hard to get this program going should have input on the regulations," said Senator Marcellino.
The comment period for the Superfund/Brownfield proposed regulations is until March 27, 2006. The public is invited to submit written comments. Mail written comments to: Robert W. Schick, P.E. NYSDEC, Division of Environmental Remediation 625 Broadway, Albany, NY 12233-7014
"New York State has a responsibility to try and correct the environmental neglect of the past, while protecting our natural resources, for our collective future. While we have made substantial gains in cleaning our water, soil and air, we can always do more to ensure that the planet we hand to our children is better than the one we received. We need to capitalize on this opportunity and make sure that the regulations are acceptable to New Yorkers," continued Senator Marcellino.
"I am willing to work with the Department of Environmental Conservation to ensure that these regulations protect our environment. Once we have agreement on these regulations, New York State will be implementing a ‘brownfield’ remediation program which can be held up as a model for our entire nation," concluded Senator Marcellino.