Senator Volker And Members Of The Western New York Legislative Delegation Make Major Funding Announcement For Child Advocacy Center
Press Event for May 5th at 11:00 AM at Child Advocacy Center Located at 556 Franklin Street in Buffalo
(Albany, NY) Senator Dale M. Volker and members of the Western New York Legislative Delegation will announce major funding initiative for the Child Advocacy Center located at 556 Franklin Street in Buffalo.
All Media is welcomed to attend and participate in Question and Answers following the presentation. Event will take place punctually.
Child Advocacy Center
556 Franklin Street
Buffalo, New York
11:00 AM
Senator Dale M. Volker
Members of the Western New York Legislative Delegation
William McGuire, CEO of Kaleida Health
Judith G. Olin, Esq. Director of the Child Advocacy Center
Dr. Jack Coyne, Medical Director of Child Adocacy Center
Patrick Gallivan, Sheriff of Erie County