Senator Valesky Congratulates Young Readers

Congratulations to all of the young people who earned a Certificate of Merit for completing the 2005 State Senate Summer Reading Program.
Earlier this summer I announced that any school-aged student who read ten books this summer would be eligible for an official Certificate of Merit from the State Senate. All they had to do was spend some time reading this summer and then tell me about it.
Reading is one of the most important, rewarding and enjoyable learning experiences for children. It is also a great way to spend time together as a family. Experts agree that even after children learn how to read, their enjoyment of reading grows when they read with a parent. In addition, children who read at home with their parents perform better in school. These are just some of the benefits and reasons why the State Senate sponsors the Summer Reading Program.
Many school children from across the region answered the call to read, and have received their Excellence in Reading Certificate. I have been pleased to present certificates to students from Cicero, Dewitt, Manlius, Oneida, Cazenovia, and DeRuyter, to name a few. I was also able to help some children in the Bridgeport area reach their summer goals by reading to children a few weeks ago at the Sullivan Free Library.
Congratulations once again to all of the children who spent some time reading this summer. I wish you all a successful school year.