Seward Announces Area Grants
Several area municipalities and organizations will be getting state help as a result of legislative grants announced today by state Senator James L. Seward at the Chenango County Court House.
Joined by municipal officials and nonprofit agencies, Seward said the grants will help provide funding for equipment and programs that might not otherwise be affordable.
"The funding helps local programs and meets locally identified community needs that might be affected without state assistance," Senator Seward said. "When it comes to local governments, the additional state aid reduces pressure on tax rates and tight budgets, and sometimes water and sewer bills, especially in rural areas. For our nonprofit organizations, the state help offers the possibility of continued programming and an improved quality of life for residents of the area. "
Seward announced the following grants:
>Town of Lincklaen -- $70,000 for new equipment and expenses in conjunction with repairs and reconstruction of town facilities following a fire;
>Village of Sherburne -- $50,000 for improvements to the village’s water system;
>Town of Sherburne -- $35,000 for a Sherburne community museum;
>Chenango County -- $19,500 for acquisition/construction of a storage facility at the county (Lt. Warren E. Eaton) airport;
>Chenango County Agricultural Society -- $50,000 to help replace the roof of the grandstand;
> Earlville Opera House -- $50,000 toward its renovation/handicapped accessibility project.
Seward represents seven towns in northern Chenango County.
The funding is from the 2004-2005 and 2005-2006 state budgets.