Seward Announces Town Of Webb Grants
OLD FORGE,11/1/05 -- Organizations in the Town of Webb are in line for state funding requested by Senator James L. Seward as part of the 2005-2006 state budget, Senator Seward announced today. The initiatives are intended to help local organizations provide important programs and reduce pressures on local budgets.
Old Forge Public Library Unrestricted aid $ 1,000
Big Moose Fire Company Ambulance equipment 11,000
Central Adirondack Partnership Community outreach 10,000
"The funding helps local programs and meets locally identified community needs that would not be possible without state assistance," Senator Seward said. "When it comes to local governments and fire departments in particular, the state aid reduces pressure on tax rates and tight budgets, especially in rural areas like the Town of Webb with a limited commercial tax base.
Seward previously announced funding for the Beaver River Property Owners' Association and the Town of Webb's patrol boat.
"The programs identified as eligible for the awards improve the quality of life of many people in specific ways. I am glad that the state could assist," Seward concluded.