Senator Joe Robach Announces Aid Increase For Brighton Schools

Senator Joseph Robach today announced that the Brighton Central School District will receive an increase in school aid this year, a nearly $314,302 or 4% increase over the Governor’s proposal. The Governor’s budget would have slightly cut funding to the school district by approximately $30,000. In its entirety, the education budget adds $322 million to the Governor’s proposed $526 million increase over last year.
"I am happy that we were able to provide additional funding to the Brighton Central School District", stated Joe Robach. "Advocating for one of the top and best performing school districts in the State is both an honor and privilege."
The new budget’s aid plan would give schools the resources they need by providing $848 million in additional school aid funding, including:
Flex Aid (+$180 million)
Special Education Funding (+$75 million)
BOCES and Special Services Aids (+$42 million)
Building Aid (+$50 million)
Tax Limitation Aid (+$87 million)
"This year’s budget proposal reaffirms our bedrock commitment to education by continuing our record increase in state school aid. Since 1995, we have increased school aid by over 65 percent, which is double the rate of inflation," said Senator Joe Robach. He continued "I am pleased that our budget will provide schools with funding levels that will not only continue the programs vital to the quality of education available in New York State but mitigate potential school tax increases."
The Legislature also included additional funding (over the Governor’s budget) for the following:
Public Libraries Operating Aid ($4.4 million)
Public Television and Radio ($692,000)
Primary Mental Health Project ($970,000)
Extended Day School Violence Prevention ($1.5 million)
PEER Intervention Program ($500,000);
National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Certification Program ($500,000);
Independent Living Centers ($536,600);
Supported Employment program ($618,000);
Apprenticeship Training ($265,300);
Consortium for Workers Education ($1.15 million);
Transferring Success ($31,400);
Workplace Literacy ($199,500).
The budget has been passed by both houses in the Legislature and awaits approval from Governor Pataki.