Annan Should Give U.N. 60th Anniversary Gift--His Resignation, Senator Marty Golden Says
Brooklyn- State Senator Martin J. Golden, (R-C-I, Brooklyn), who led the effort in theNew York State Legislature to block United Nations expansion plans in New York, today called the Volker Report, issued late yesterday, "a report that does not go far enough" and is again calling for the immediate resignation of United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan in an effort to preserve the reputation of the world body.
Golden stated, "Secretary-General Annan should give U.N. a meaningful 60th anniversary gift—his resignation. The Volker report highlights the need for reform within the United Nations and showcases the fact that, until changes are made, the credibility of the United Nations, in the eyes of people and nations throughout the world, has been jeopardized. However, the Volker Report failed to call for the immediate resignation of United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan. I believe this report could and should have that great of an impact."
Golden continued, "Secretary General Annan has called the findings of the Volker Report ‘painful’ and ‘embarrassing’, yet he still has not indicated that he will resign, even though now clearly admitting to wrongs within the organization. UntilMr. Annan's resigns, andnot a moment before, the U.N. willbe unable to shed the dark clouds of disgrace hanging over it. Mr. Anna’s resignation would send a clear signal to the world that the U.N. accepts responsibility for its actions and inactions. Only then can it move on.”
State Senator Marty Golden recently testified before Congress about the U.N. at a hearing of the U.S. Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Subcommittee on Federal Financial Management, Government Information and International Security.