Dig This -- A Wellness Through Gardening Event For Seniors
HealthCare Partners, IPA and the Arthritis Foundation of New York, with State Senator Marty Golden, the Chairman of the Senate Aging Committee, are pleased to present a special program entitled “Dig This” for senior citizens in New York City.
Acclaimed New York City Rooftop Gardener Jon Carloftis will provide a special humorous presentation to seniors on December 5 from 10 am to noon at the Whitman Theater at Brooklyn College located at 2900 Campus Road in Brooklyn.
“Jon has an impressive way of sharing healing laughter while telling of his humorous experiences of doing gardens for some very interesting people in New York City,” stated Dale Fisher, senior vice president at HealthCare Partners. Some of Carloftis’ clients include actor Edward Norton, film director M. Knight Shymalan, the Estee Lauder family, ketchup heir Chris Heinz, and actress Julianne Moore.
Carloftis’ gardens have been featured on recent magazine covers including Metropolitan Home, Country Home, Country Gardens, Quest, BMW, & InStyle. He has also been a guest on Martha Stewart’s show several times and is scheduled to appear soon on Oprah. See more information about him at www.joncarloftis.com.
The program is free to seniors and their guests. Seating is limited. Call 1-800-501-1799 for reservations, details or directions. According to Fisher, “this event promises to be a grand time with an interactive lecture that shares the benefits of laughing and being physically active.”
The major sponsor for DIG THIS is the Health Insurance Plan of New York (HIP). Other sponsors are Senior Umbrella Network of Brooklyn, Family Care Certified Services, State Senator Martin J. Golden, Nassau Radiologic Group, and A & J Care, an Air Products company.
Senator Marty Golden stated, “I am so very proud to welcome Jon Carloftis to Brooklyn for this special presentation and I thank HealthCare Partners and the Arthritis Foundation for their long standing commitment to the health and well-being of the senior citizens of our New York. I urge all who are interested to attend this event which proves to be informative and which can have a positive impact on your everyday life.”
HealthCare Partners is an independent practice association of approximately 4,000 physicians practicing across the five boroughs of New York and two counties on Long Island. HCP also promotes and coordinates health education, wellness, and social activities for seniors.
DIG THIS: Free Interactive Humorous Gardening Senior Event, December 5 from 10 am to Noon at the Whitman Theater at Brooklyn College, 2900 Campus Road in Brooklyn. Call 1-800-501-1799 to reserve a spot for yourself and your senior friends!