Mta Seeks To End Weekend Express Bus Service In June
Brooklyn- State Senator Martin J. Golden (R-C-I, Brooklyn) today is responding to the Metropolitan Transit Authority’s notification stating their intent to discontinue weekend express bus service on both the X 27 and X 28 routes effective Sunday, June 26, 2005, calling the proposal unacceptable, and is urging the community to support his effort to maintain this service.
The Metropolitan Transit Authority cites the restoration of four-track Manhattan Bridge service in February 2004, the reopening of the Stillwell Terminal in May 2004 and the return of N train service to the Stillwell Terminal this month as reasons why the express bus service is no longer required.
Senator Golden stated, "I have said it before and I will say it again. The express bus provides an entirely different means of transportation for commuters and for seniors who more times than not would not take the subways. It is not a duplication of service as the M.T.A. argues; it is an enhancement to the service that is already afforded Brooklynites."
Golden continued, "Senior citizens and our disabled cannot get down the subway stairs so it doesn’t matter how fast or how many trains there are. For people who are afraid of subway transportation, the same holds true. And for people who are part of this 6 or 7-day workweek, the express bus on the weekends is faster than local subway service. This service remains necessary despite the improvements the Metropolitan Transit Authority has made to southwest Brooklyn subway service."
Golden has created and has made available a petition which he is encouraging local residents to sign on to urging the Metropolitan Transit Authority to maintain this vital service. "I proudly sign my name today to the petition calling on the MTA to maintain weekend express bus service on the X 27 and X 28 bus routes," said Senator Golden, "As was the case in the institution of this service, a strong effective grassroots movement must begin if we wish to enjoy this vital service past the Spring. The MTA can not put the brakes on this service."
The text of the petition reads: "We, the undersigned commuters, are calling on the Metropolitan Transit Authority to continue to operate weekend express bus service on both the X 27 and X 28 routes. The service, instituted in September 2002, has quickly become a vital transportation service to the commute of many including our senior citizens and our disabled who cannot utilize the subways. Furthermore, continued service allows an easy and affordable means to go to Manhattan for dining, entertainment and shopping which is a positive economic stimulus for our City."
Senator Marty Golden, who worked with the State Senate in both the summer of 2002 and 2004 to secure the necessary operational funds for this service in the amount of $1.1 million, has already approached officials within the State Senate again with a similar funding request to be allocated in the upcoming fiscal year budget. The service officially started on September 14, 2002.
Senator Golden is reaching out to senior centers, houses of worship, community organizations, and merchants organizations to join in this crusade. "Numbers talk," concluded Senator Golden, "When meeting with the Metropolitan Transit Authority to plead the community's case, I need to have tremendous numbers behind me. It is the community grassroots movement that will see this service continue. We are a community that in the past has united and fought the good fight and I trust that this time will be no different."
Senator Golden is encouraging local residents to contact his office to obtain a copy of the petition. Senator Golden's0 office can be reached by calling (718) 238-6044 or by visiting it at 7403-5th Avenue. Senator Golden will accept email requests for petitions as well at golden@senate.state.ny.us.