Senator Nozzolio Reminds Constituents Of Cable News Program
Albany—State Senator Michael F. Nozzolio (R,C-Fayette) today reminded his constituents that they can view his weekly televised news program on local cable stations, or on his website at www.senatornozzolio.com.
Each week, Senator Nozzolio addresses timely issues concerning State government and issues of local concern to residents he represents in the 54th Senate District.
The program can be seen on the following stations:
Finger Lakes Cable Television, Channel 12
Adelphia Cable, Auburn, Channel 4
Webster Community Television, Channel 12
Tompkins County Government Access, Channel 15
Viewers should check their local cable station schedules for specific air dates and times.
The program can also be seen on Senator Nozzolio’s website at www.senatornozzolio.com. Click on “View the Senator’s Legislative Update” on the homepage.