Senator Morahan Announces Grant To Advance Energy Saving Roofing Improvements At Rockland County Facilities

Thomas P. Morahan

Senator Thomas P. Morahan today announced a grant award totaling $33,216 for energy-efficiency projects at the Rockland County Health Center, New City Highway Department Building and the Stony Point Garages.

The grant will help fund the $1.6 million roof replacement projects at the three locations which were identified as a result of free energy-audits performed by the New York Power Authority (NYPA). NYPA, working with county and local officials will finance the projects which are expected to save about $9,360 annually.

"Raising energy related costs threaten to undermine the best efforts of county and local officials. Fortunately we can benefit from the New York Power Authority’s expertise in energy efficiency applications," Senator Morahan said.

At the health center crews will install a new roofing material which is highly resistant to tears, puncture and impact. The material which incorporates various polyester layers for strength and durability will resist water absorption and project against ultraviolet light exposure. As part of the new roof, the existing clear windows on Health center Building D will be replaced with smaller units and the skylights removed, closed and sealed. This project will produce annual savings of about $6,720.

The identical material will be installed at the New City Highway Department Building and result in annual energy savings of $2,640. For the Stony Point garages crews will spray on a liquid metal roofing system that consists of an elastic coating and thermoplastic material. Due to the size of the building the energy savings are negligible but the work will extend the life of the existing roof and eliminate the need for maintenance for years to come.

"Working with NYPA, county officials have been able to plan for these improvements using the best available materials for projects that should pay for themselves," Morahan said.

The grant was secured from New York State’s portion of the Petroleum Overcharge Restitution (POCR) fund, monies recovered in federal cases to compensate consumers for oil industry overcharges in the 1980’s.

In New York State, the funds are administered by the New York Power Authority (NYPA) and used to defray the cost of energy-efficiency improvements at schools and publicly run facilities.

The Governor's "Green and Clean State Buildings and Vehicles" Executive Order requires state-owned building to meet ambition energy conservation goals by the end of the decade. The order also encourages local governments to set similar goals and directs NYPA and other state agencies to assist those efforts.
