Senator Valesky Named To Farm Bureau Circle Of Friends

David J. Valesky

New York Farm Bureau announced that Senator David Valesky (D-Oneida) has
been named to its "2006 Circle of Friends."

"For Upstate communities, agriculture is truly the backbone of the economy
and I am committed to advocating strongly for issues important to New York’s
farmers," Sen. Valesky said. "I am honored to be recognized in the ‘Circle
of Friends’ for the second consecutive year."

New York Farm Bureau, the state’s largest general farm advocacy
organization, has named 104 state legislators to its "Circle of Friends."
The award is an indication of the individual lawmaker’s support of New York
agriculture and Farm Bureau.

"The ‘Circle of Friends’ award is based upon each legislator’s voting record
on issues of importance to New York agriculture and other evidence of
legislative support, including sponsorship of bills that Farm Bureau has
either supported, or opposed, throughout the legislative session," stated
John Lincoln, New York Farm Bureau president.

Senator Valesky was also named to the "Circle of Friends" after his first
Legislative session in 2005.