Senate And Assembly Pass Skelos Bill Eliminating Statute Of Limitations For Rape Victims

Dean G. Skelos

Rockville Center) to eliminate the statute of limitations for rape victims and extend the civil statute of limitations, from one year to five years.

“Rape and sexual assault are violent crimes committed by violent people,” said Senator Skelos. “If DNA evidence is available, there is no reason why these criminals should escape prosecution merely because they were lucky enough not to get caught. These crimes have a lifelong impact on their victims. Since 1996, the Senate has passed more than a dozen different bills that would extend or eliminate the statute of limitations, and I’m pleased that the Assembly has finally agreed to pass this measure and close a loophole that allows dangerous criminals to evade justice.”

The bill eliminates the statute of limitations for the criminal prosecution of Class B felony sexual assault crimes including: first degree rape, first degree criminal sexual act (formerly called sodomy), first degree aggravated sexual abuse and first degree course of sexual conduct against a child.

In addition, the agreement will extend from one year to five years, the civil statute of limitations, giving rape victims a longer period of time to pursue legal recourse from their attackers.
