Senator Alesi Announces The Passage Of Legislation To Provide Penalties For The Damage Of Military Monuments
Senator Jim Alesi (R,C - Perinton) today announced the passage of S.1679, which provides for certain criminal penalties for the damage to military monuments. The bill, which he sponsors with Senator Tom Morahan, passed the Senate today, March 28, 2006.
Senator Alesi has gained a reputation for his work with veterans and has secured nearly a million dollars over the last several years for monuments honoring Rochester area Veterans. The monuments for WWII, Korea, and Vietnam have all received significant funding through Senator Alesi’s efforts.
"The desecration of a military monument is insulting to every person who fought to protect the freedoms and ideals of our great nation," said Senator Alesi. "Military monuments are sacred and should be treated with the same respect as a grave or cemetary; this legislation would make the penalty for this horendous crime comparable to that of grave desecration."
This bill amends the penal law by adding the desecration of a military monument to the list of punishable offenses associated with grave and cemetary desecration. Current law provides for the desecration of a grave or cemetary to be a class A misdemeanor. This bill would provide for the desecration of a military monument to also be a class A misdemeanor. A class A misdemeanor results in a term of imprisonment not more than one year and a fine of not more than $1,000 for the crime and may include an additional fine equivalent to double the value of the property unlawfully disposed of in the commission of the crime.