Bonacic Rural Health Care Bill Approved By Senate
State Senator John J. Bonacic (R/I/C - Mount Hope) announced today that the Senate has approved legislation, he sponsored, Senate bill 7324, that authorizes the Office of Rural Health to study and recommend employment incentives to attract physicians to rural areas. The bill is sponsored in the Assembly by Assemblyman David Koon.
"In many rural areas throughout New York State, there are no physicians or practices for the residents to access," stated Senator Bonacic. "We need proven methods to attract physicians to practice in those areas of the State so the people can get adequate health care services."
Senator Bonacic said the bill gives statutory authority to the Charles D. Cook Office of Rural Health to fully conduct an analysis for incentive options for health professionals in rural, under served areas.
"As of today, there are 13 counties that have been designated as 'Physician Scarcity Areas for Primary Care'. This is an alarming statistic that must change," continued Senator Bonacic. "This legislation will help bring about that change."
The bill passed the Assembly on June 12 and will now be sent to the Governor for his action.