Update From Senator Bonacic On Power Lines

John J. Bonacic

I am posting this letter on my web siteto inform you that my legislation, Senate bill 8349, which would prohibit New York Regional Interconnect (NYRI) from using eminent domain laws to take private property in order to construct their power lines, was sent to the Governor for action. (SEE RELATED NEWS STORY: http://www.recordonline.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20060926/NEWS/609260319)

As you know, it is important for us, as citizens who would be adversely affected by the power line project, to voice our concerns at all levels of government. As such, I am strongly encouraging you, your friends, family and neighbors to contact the Governor and urge that he sign this bill into law. Governor Pataki's address is: Executive Chamber, State Capitol, Albany, New York 12224.

For your information, the Governor has 10 business days from September 22nd to act on this bill; therefore, your immediate attention would be most beneficial. Should you have any questions or require more information, please feel free to call my Albany office at (518) 455-3181.