A Memorial Day Message From Senator John J. Flanagan

Dear Friend:
As the elected representative of the 2nd Senate District, it is my honor to publicly commemorate Memorial Day by thanking those who protect our country and our freedom.
That appreciation is humbly offered to those who have served in past American efforts, those who serve to protect our country today and those who have made the ultimate sacrifice in their service to our nation. I offer these brave men and women my heartfelt gratitude for all they have done for our country.
I would also like to take a moment to remember those who remain at home while their loved ones sacrifice to ensure our freedom. These wives and husbands, mothers and fathers and sisters and brothers deserve our thanks and our best wishes.
This Monday, I will have the honor of serving as the Grand Marshall of the Knights of Columbus Memorial Day Parade in Smithtown. I am proud to accept this privilege and hope you will join me in honoring our military heroes at a ceremony this weekend.
As we enter this weekend, I am hopeful that we can all salute, in our own way, those who protect our freedom. Take the time to thank a veteran or member of the armed forces who is a part of your life or simply show your appreciation to a veteran or serviceperson you see in your community.
If we all say thank you to one of these patriots, this weekend or on any day during the year, they will know that we appreciate all they have done to keep us free and safe.
Please have a safe and happy Memorial Day.
John J. Flanagan
New York State Senator, 2nd District