Senator Flanagan Visits Setauket Students

Senator John Flanagan (2nd Senate District) recently visited the Nassakeag Elementary School in Setauket to speak with Ms. Cassie Sheridan's 5th grade class. As part of their government studies, Senator Flanagan met with the class to discuss his role in the New York State legislative process.
Senator Flanagan spoke to the children about his role in the New York State Legislature and described the process of how new laws are created. As part of the discussion, Senator Flanagan had the children represent members of the Senate and the Assembly to take a mock vote on bike helmet legislation to experience how a bill becomes a law.
After speaking to the class, Senator Flanagan fielded questions from the students and listened to their ideas for new laws.
"One of the truly enjoyable aspects of being an elected representative is speaking to the students in our community. These are the future leaders of New York State and it is an honor to visit with them," stated Senator Flanagan. "Their knowledge of local and state issues and their grasp of the role they play in the future was very impressive."