Krueger Commences Fifth Youth Civics Project
New York —State Senator Liz Krueger this week commenced the fifth edition of her Democracy 101: Youth Civics Project program, with the highest number of participants to date. A total of 68 students have enrolled in the 5-month, 6-session program.
"Our enrollment expectations have always been met, but this year we have seen an unprecedented level of interest," Krueger said. "The program filled up so fast we already have teens, parents and educators expressing interest in next year's sessions."
Senator Krueger's Youth Civics Project has been developed to supplement students' high school civics education and give them first-hand insight to the legislative process. Participating high school juniors and seniors will learn legislative procedure and are provided with an overview of critical issues facing the state. A wide-range of interactive activities, debates and lectures are employed by Senator Krueger, her staff and other guest lecturers to engage students in the workings of the legislature.
"One of the most exciting aspects for our young adults, is that the program culminates in a Mock State Senate at the City Hall Council Chambers," Krueger explained. "The Mock State Senate allows students to assume the roles of State Senators and debate actual bills of their choosing, in a setting where much of New York City policy is made. The next step is to keep these students involved by emphasizing participation in elections and in community building activities."