Classrooms Grow In Brooklyn
Brooklyn- State Senator Martin J. Golden (R-C, Brooklyn), a member of the State Senate Education Committee, is announcing that at his request, the New York City Department of Education will begin reviewing schools for classroom additions within District 20 and 21.
Senator Golden, who was a leading advocate for New York City obtaining it’s fair share of education funding, joined with Governor George Pataki and Mayor Michael Bloomberg earlier this Spring in announcing $11.2 billion in State funding for New York City School Construction Aid Package.
Golden, had earlier this year written to Deputy Mayor Dennis Walcott, urging the City of New York to consider building extensions at five schools that include New Utrecht High School, I.S. 259, P.S. 229, P.S. 163 and P.S. 97. In a response received from Deputy Chancellor Kathleen Grimm, the Department of Education will begin reviewing each of these sites. New Utrecht High School is currently in the design for additional classroom capacity.
Senator Golden stated, "I will be the first one to say loud and to say clear that we need additional classroom space here in our community not tomorrow, but yesterday. We must expand our capabilities and the opportunity to educate children in less crowded classroom so that each of our students can learn better and be more prepared for their futures. That opportunity to upon us to build extensions so that more children can learn at New Utrecht High School, at I.S. 259, at P.S. 229, at P.S. 163 and at P.S. 97."
Golden continued, "When the Governor, the Mayor and the State Legislature announced that our City would be granted record levels of funding, I knew that the children of New York City would be the winners. The time for the victories has begun. May we plan to expand and may we get the ground broken as soon as possible so that we can build the much needed classroom space so that our children can learn and grow."