D.d.c. Officials Join Senator Golden For Final Tour Of Fort Hamilton Parkway

Brooklyn- Officials from the New York City Department of Design and Construction this morning joined Senator Marty Golden and Fort Hamilton Parkway residents for a final tour and the completion of a project that encompassed major sewer installation and roadway reconstruction, spanning from 92nd Street to 99th Street on Fort Hamilton Parkway.
Senator Marty Golden, flanked by D.D.C. project officials, removed the last remaining traffic cones which limited parking spaces along Fort Hamilton Parkway and which interrupted the steady flow of traffic since the project’s start. The project began on December 13, 2004.
Senator Golden stated, "The completion of the reconstruction of Fort Hamilton Parkway was necessary. It was a project that will benefit the homes and the lives of all residents. It was a project that caused disruption, but it was well worth it. As the old saying goes, "Good things come to those who wait."
Golden, thanking D.D.C., Community Board 10, local officials and the patience of the residents stated, "We now see a better Fort Hamilton Parkway. We see a new Fort Hamilton Parkway. It came as a result of great sacrifice of the residents. It was nosier, it was harder to park and it was more difficult to get to and from your homes each day. But today, we see completion."