Do You Know Which Websites Your Children Are Visiting?
Brooklyn- State Senator Marty Golden (R-C, Brooklyn) will host a town hall meeting on Cyber Safety on Thursday, June 15, 2006, at 7:00 p.m., at Our Lady of Grace School in the Father Cutrone Gymnasium located at 385 Avenue W in Brooklyn.
The meeting will focus on protecting young adults from the dangers of the internet. Do you know which websites your children are visiting? Do you know what information your children are sharing on-line? Parents may not be the only ones keeping a watchful eye on your child’s activities.
Dr. Parry Aftab, the founder of WiredSafety.org, will be the guest speaker for this cyber safety seminar to help make our children better and safer cyber citizens. WiredSafety.org is the world’s largest internet safety group helping families enjoy the internet and interactive technologies safely, privately and responsibly. Representatives from the New York City Police Department will attend as well and will participate in a question and answer session.
Senator Marty Golden stated, "I encourage all parents and students to come to this important meeting and learn of the dangers that exist on the internet and learn how to protect yourself against them. We must insure that our children are using the internet for all the right reasons, for learning most importantly, and that they are educated not to give out any personal information to strangers via the computer such as home phone numbers and home address."
For additional information, please contact Senator Golden’s office at (718) 627-3659.