Golden Nominates Faicco's Pork Store For 2006 New York State Small Business Award
Brooklyn- State Senator Martin J. Golden (R-C-I, Brooklyn) today is announcing that he has nominated the owners of Faicco’s Pork Store, Louis, Edward and Matthew Faicco, for the 2006 New York State Small Business Person of the Year award to be presented in June by Governor George Pataki and the New York State Small Business Advisory Board.
Senator Marty Golden stated "Faicco’s Pork Store has been an extraordinary business and providing quality products and has become a community giant and major supporter. The store is community based and a regular and frequent donor of food, gift certificates and products to local schools, Churches, and community events. Additionally, the owners are members of the Ben-Bay Kiwanis Club, who’s mission is to support and provide for the children throughout the community and the world, individuals who have made a great difference. This store is a treasure within our community and I am proud to nominate such a distinguished merchant."
Golden continued, "I proudly nominate Faicco’s Pork Store as the 2006 Small Business Person of the Year for this business maintains stellar traits. It has become a landmark for food and culture here in New York City, and generations of families have incorporated Faicco’s food into their menus."
Since 1900, shortly after the great grandfather of the current owners, Edward Faicco, came to the United States of America from Naples, Italy, the first Faicco’s Pork Store was opened on the Lower East Side of Manhattan on Elizabeth Street. It was later moved to 152 Thompson Street where it operated for more than four years, run by the grandfather of the current owners, Joseph Faicco and his brother Stanley. Faicco’s Pork Store was opened in Brooklyn around 1940, at it’s current 11th Avenue address, and the fine Italian delicacies were offered in Kings County.
In 1951, the Manhattan store was moved to its current location of 260 Bleecker Street, and after the death of Joseph, the business was left to his sons, Edward and Joseph. It was these two gentleman who actively ran and grew the business as an integral part of Brooklyn and Manhattan’s economy until the early 1980’s when the current owners, Louis, Edward and Matthew Fiacco took over.
It was over the many years that this business grew and the hard work of the family flourished into a very profitable and well respected small business. The specialties offered by Faicco’s include homemade sausages, cured sausages and salami’s, still made to this day according to family recipes.
The store maintains a strong customer base, customers who’s parents and grandparents shopped at the store, as well as maintaining customers who return to shop despite moving to other far away parts of the tri-state area, bringing about a real sense of community in shopping. The strong work ethics and pride in their products have kept this business growing for many years, totaling more than 1,000 customers weekly.
The New York State Small Business Advisory Board will review all applications received and will determine an award later this month.