Senator Nozzolio Launches An On-line Petition In Support Of The Buffalo Bills

Michael F. Nozzolio

Albany- Citing the very important role the Buffalo Bills organization plays to the fabric and culture of communities throughout New York State, Senator Nozzolio has started an on-line petition to allow constituents an opportunity to show their support for keeping the Buffalo Bills in Western New York. Recently Ralph Wilson, owner of the Bills, has expressed his concerns about the changes in sharing revenue among NFL teams which could jeopardize the likelihood of the Bills remaining in Buffalo.

“For over forty years the Buffalo Bills have been a vital part of the community and entire State of New York. I invite my constituents to join our efforts and send a message to NFL Commissioner Paul Tagliabue that we don’t want to lose the Bills, and we don’t want the NFL to set rules and regulations that are going to make it impossible for the Bills franchise to stay in business,” Senator Nozzolio said.

The on-line petition was originally started by Senator George Maziarz.

The Buffalo Bills organization has generated hundreds of millions of dollars to the Western New York economy. In addition to the economic impact, the Buffalo Bills are an integral part of the community donating thousands of hours of their time to local charitable and philanthropic causes.

“The Buffalo Bills are more than just a football team, they are a part of the community. The organization has repeatedly shown it's commitment to the area, now let's show the National Football League and the rest of the country how much this team means to us,” Nozzolio concluded.

To sign Senator Nozzolio'son-line petition in support of the Buffalo Bills, please click here.