Breslin Encourages Residents To Donate Blood
Traditionally, the blood supply decreases over the summer by as much as 15 percent, as high school and college blood drives are not scheduled and many donors leave town on vacation. The American Red Cross still has a responsibility to meet the demand of hospitals and their patients during this time and can only do so with the help of kindhearted volunteers. "It is impossible to place a dollar value on the worth of community support and volunteers," said Senator Breslin. Despite an increase in the demand for blood, there has not been a correlated increase in the number of blood donations. This country depends on a volunteer blood donor base, yet only 5 percent of those eligible to give blood do so.
As the summer months come to a close, I am urging the people of Albany to ensure that there is a healthy supply of blood readily available to meet the needs of hospital patients throughout the area. Please find time to give back to the community and save a life by taking an hour out of your schedule to make a donation to strengthen the community’s blood supply. If you have never donated before, please do not hesitate to make this your first time. If you have donated before, please do not hesitate to give just one more time.
You must be 17 years or older, weigh at least 110 pounds and be in general good health to make a donation. In New York State, 16-year-olds may donate if they bring an original signed New York State Informed Parental Consent Form. If you need assistance, would like more information or would like to be a donor you can find out about blood drives in the area by contacting the Red Cross at (800) GIVE-LIFE or by visiting www.DonateBloodNow.org.