Senator Ruben Diaz Opposes Gender Agenda
New York State SenatorRuben Diaz (D-Bronx) responds to the New York City Department of Health vote which will permit City residents to legally change their gender designation on their birth certificates based upon personal feelings.
Senator Diaz explained: "In the rush to overcome the recent defeat of legal same sex marriage in New York State (Hernandez v. Robles), radical gay rights advocates have decided to apply the rules of Lewis Carroll to the New York City’s Department of Health. Under proposed changes for amending birth certificates, applicants will be able to follow the following script to request a gender change on their certificate:
Who are you?' said the [Clerk]. ….Alice replied, rather shyly, `I--I hardly
know, sir, just at present-- at least I know who I WAS when I got up this
morning, but I think I must have been changed several times since then.'
If the New York City Health Department enacts this law, gay marriage proponents will likely use it to circumvent New York State's marriage laws. If one only has to think or feel that he or she is a women or a man to be legally identified as such, then two men marrying each or two women marrying each other could be legally accomplished when one of the men or women takes the legal steps to become a girl or a boy."
SenatorRuben Diaz has actively defended New York State law which upholds the traditional, historical, and moral definition of marriage as between man and woman.
For further comments, please contact Senator Rev. Diaz at 718/496-4793.