Senator Saland Secures $400,000 For Hudson City School District

Stephen M. Saland

Senator Steve Saland (R,C Poughkeepsie), Chair, Senate Education Committee, announced today that Hudson City School District will receive $400,000 in special magnet school funding, to assist students who have had difficulty in traditional educational settings.

"Magnet programs have demonstrated success in boosting achievement among students who are at academic risk," said Senator Saland. "I am pleased to have been able to secure this $400,000 for the Hudson City School District which will be used to help those students who will benefit from this alternative program."

After meeting with Hudson officials seeking supplemental funding to provide greater opportunities for at-risk students, Senator Saland was able to secure the grant to initiate a magnet school program. The funds will be used to hire staff and provide specialized training. In addition, the curriculum will be developed to create opportunities for project-based learning and accommodate the varied learning styles of these students.

"This is a happy day for Hudson City Schools," said Superintendent Marilyn Barry. "We appreciate Senator Saland's efforts in finding a way to help us finance a new and improved alternative learning program. With this $400,000 boost, we will be able to build a program that will increase achievement for those middle level and high school students who are most in danger of academic failure."