State Senator Andrew Lanza Calls Upon Governor Spitzer To Rethink His Flawed" Licensing Plan

Andrew J Lanza

Staten Island, NY – State Senator Andrew J. Lanza (R-24th District) once again called upon Governor Elliot Spitzer to reconsider his plan to allow illegal aliens the right to obtain drivers' licenses in New York State.

Lanza noted that today the Albany Times Union reported that the DMV Fraud Unit, based in Albany, found that scanners planned to be used under Spitzer’s plan routinely declared bogus identification documents valid.

"With recent news that the foundation of the Governor’s plan is flawed, I call on the Governor to halt his administrative policy change immediately," Lanza said. "This ill advised plan, which would allow undocumented individuals to obtain a New York State driver’s license, the gold standard for access into government buildings, domestic flights, voter cards, gun permits and many more rights that residents have, must be halted at once."

On Monday, the State Senate passed Senate bill S.6484, which requires applicants for drivers' licenses and non-driver identification cards to provide proof of U.S. citizenship or lawful presence in the United States. Assembly Democrats, led by Speaker Shelly Silver, failed to bring this bill to the floor for a vote on Tuesday.

"Clearly Governor Spitzer’s plan is not well thought out and does not have the best interests of the State of New York in mind. It is time that the Governor take note of our legitimate concerns and rethink his policy change which undermines our state and national security, and places our families at risk," Lanza said.

"Furthermore, the technology the governor has dubbed as 'foolproof' is clearly not passing his own standards, yet he continues to force this flawed policy on the citizens of New York. I don't understand his persistence on this ill-advised policy, and based on the constituent calls to my office, neither do the residents of Staten Island. I ask the governor to rethink this policy and lets move forward together so we do not endanger the safety of all New Yorkers."

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