Thompson Appointed To Insurance Committee, Ranking Democrat On Environmental Conservation

Antoine M Thompson

Albany, NY- Antoine M. Thompson, New York State Senator for the 60th District (Parts of Buffalo & Niagara Counties) announced his appointment to the Senate’s Insurance Committee and as Ranking Democrat for the Environmental Conservation Committee, a post that he previously held temporarily during the first two months of his Senate term. The appointments were confirmed at the end of special legislative session held in Albany on Monday, October 22nd.

Thompson noted New York State’s high insurance rates, whether for homeowners, auto, or small business among other forms as factors that ultimately impact New Yorker’s quality of life. His goal is to work with his constituents, business owners, colleagues, various insurance advocates and interest groups to make New York State insurance rates more competitive nationally.

"I am proud to see that my colleagues have taken notice of my environmental stewardship and believe in my ability to help make it safer to live and work for all New Yorkers…" stated Antoine Thompson, NYS Senator (D).

Thompson’s other key State Senate assignments include serving as Ranking Democrat of the Cities Committee and Co-Chair of the Senate Minority’s MWBE Taskforce. Other committee assignments include Finance; Commerce, Economic Development, and Small Business; Veterans, Homeland Security and Military Affairs; and Tourism, Recreation, and Sports Development.