Senator Volker And Nursing Home Providers Assail Governor Spitzer's Nursing Home Cuts

Dale M. Volker

(DEPEW, NY) Tomorrow, March 23rd, Senator Dale M. Volker will have a press conference to assail the major nursing home cuts that Governor Spitzer is pushing for in his Executive Budget Proposal.

"If Governor Spitzer has his way, nursing homes and hospitals will be devastated and patient care will no doubt be compromised and harmed," said Senator Dale M. Volker. "We all realize that our health care system is in need of reform, but by cutting indiscriminately against one section of the health care delivery system over another is nothing more than a short-sided budget gimmick. Governor Spitzer’s mentality of gutting funding to nurses and hospitals does not put patients first. Rather it places patients in last place and they deserve better that."


MARCH 23rd at 3:00 PM

3:00 PM

at the Greenfield Health & Rehabilitation Center (Niagara Lutheran Health System)

5949 Broadway

Lancaster, New York



Senator Dale M. Volker

Jurgen Arndt, President and CEO, Greenfield Health & Rehabilitation Center

Various CEO/Presidents of Local Nursing Homes
