Senator Volker Announces Sportsmen Package

Dale M. Volker

(ALBANY, NY) Senator Dale M. Volker (R-C-I, Depew) announced today that he will move aggressively to pass a package of sportsmen-related bills in the New York State Senate. The sportsmen’s package will assist in protecting and enhancing a important cultural segment of our state’s historical fabric.

"Sportsmen and Sportswomen play an instrumental role in our state’s wildlife management initiatives," said Senator Dale M. Volker. "Additionally, those involved in the shooting sports infuse millions of dollars into our economy and deeply care about our state’s environmental conservation efforts. They are judges, lawyers, school teachers, machinists, husbands, wives, sons and daughters. We need to ensure that this segment of our culture is nurtured, enhanced and protected so that future generations of New Yorkers can enjoy many sportsmen-related activities that we take great pride in."

The Sportsmen Bill Package is as follows:

Senate Bill 857 (Junior Big Game License)

Senate Bill 859 (The Illegal Taking of Deer)

Senate Bill 22 (Use of Crossbow for Hunting)

Senate Bill 3776 (Use of Rifle in Chautauqua County)

Senate Bill 2037 (Pistol Applicant has Proper Cause for Issuance)

Assembly Bill 7962 (14 Years of Age and Above can possess and use pistol at pistol range under adult supervision)

Senate action on these bills will occur during the next two weeks.
