Senator Volker Statement On Thomas Dinapoli As New York State Comptroller
I realize that there has been a great deal of criticism about the State Legislature’s decision, pursuant to the New York State Constitution, to name an independent comptroller. The concept that naming Thomas DiNapoli was "business as usual" or status quo was ridiculous. The members of the State Legislature decided, as was their right, to in effect overrule their respective leaders and the Governor.
I have always taken my responsibility to my constituents very seriously. I realize that there are some who would prefer an aristocracy rather than a democracy. What is taking place now, by the Governor and his handlers, to discredit and make personal attacks on Thomas DiNapoli and those elected officials who supported his candidacy for State Comptoller is just plain wrong. My vote for Mr. DiNapoli was based on his years of being a bipartisian member in the State Legislature, his history of being reasonable and honest, and his years of outstanding private sector experience and credentials.
Frankly, the threatening letter by my friend, Governor Spitzer, did not help and has only created an environment that reflects real hostilities and distrust with those he must work with. When I was a police officer, I was threatened by thugs and even gangsters. Governor Rockefeller once pushed me against a wall and put a wiretap in my office in the Legislative Office Building. I was not intimidated then and I will not be now--whether it be Governors, Legislative Leaders, Editorial Boards or wealthy corporate leaders from New York City.
I firmly believe that Thomas DiNapoli is the best person to be State Comptroller for upstate New York where I reside.