Skelos Meets With Long Island Autism Advocates

Dean G. Skelos

New York State Senate Deputy Majority Leader Dean G. Skelos (R-Rockville Centre) today met with Dr. Carole Mirkin, Long Island Chair for Autism Speaks, and Bradley Gerstman, president of Quest Service Group, to discuss autism awareness as well as the upcoming Long Island Autism Walk.

"Autism is a very devastating disorder both on the child and the family that is affects," said Senator Skelos. "It is very important for groups like Autism Speaks to promote awareness and a lend their voice for children afflicted with the hardship of this disorder."

In 2005, Senator Skelos wrote a new law prohibiting the administration of any vaccine containing more than a trace amount of mercury to children under the age of three or pregnant women. Thimerosal has been used in vaccines for years as a preservative to help prevent life-threatening bacterial contamination, however, it is no longer necessary to add preservatives containing mercury to vaccines. Two other states, California and Iowa, have enacted legislation banning the use of more than a trace amount of thimerosal in vaccines. Senator Skelos has been a long time supporter of autism awareness.
