Senator Farley Announces $2.62 Million In Local Legislative Grants
State Senator Hugh T. Farley (R,C - Schenectady) announced that the 2007-08 Budget approved by the Senate and Assembly includes $2.62 million for 150 Senate "member initiatives" which he recommended for libraries, schools, local governments, fire departments, and nonprofit groups in his four-county Senate District. Senator Farley represents Fulton, Montgomery, Schenectady and part of Saratoga Counties.
"I am proud of the hard work of our local governments and nonprofit organizations who have perfected the art of 'doing more with less' while providing critical services to people in our communities," Senator Farley said. "Just about everybody is served by one or more of the organizations which requested funding and, as an added bonus, these State grants to local governments and school districts can help to reduce the amount to be raised by property taxes."
The largest single grant is to Schenectady County Community College for a homeland security and first responder training program. The $548,000 project will enable SCCC to provide cost-effective public safety training using videoconferencing and internet-based instruction.
The fifteen public libraries in Senator Farley's district will share about $200,000, schools and youth organizations will receive another $200,000, while 18 fire departments will also receive a total of about $200,000.
Other large grants go to the Town of Root, which would receive $100,000 to help replace the town highway garage and equipment destroyed in a recent fire; St. Clare's Hospital in Schenectady which would receive $100,000 for two programs, one specializing in health care for senior citizens, and the other providing care for families; Fulton-Montgomery Community College which would receive $40,000 for improvements to their library; and the Schenectady Inner City Ministry which would receive $40,000 for their emergency food pantry.
Although the Senate and Assembly have both voted to approve these funds, each individual proposed grant may be subject to a "line item veto" by the Governor. "I hope that the Governor will consider the value of these local programs, and will approve the investment of taxpayer funds to serve people in our upstate communities," Senator Farley concluded.
( Full listing of Senator Farley's recommended grants follows. For the full listing of the Senate's Community Project Fund click here)
Aetna Fire Engine Company No.1 of Fultonville $17,500
to obtain extrication equipment
AIDS Council of Northeastern New York $5,000
for transportation assistance for clients, food vouchers and mental health counseling
Alcoholism & Substance Abuse Council of Hamilton, Fulton and Montgomery Counties $5,000
to upgrade or replace the telephone system
Altamont Program, Inc. $10,000
for renovations and improvements to the Schenectady facility
Alzheimer's Association of Northeastern New York $3,500
to sponsor "Memory Awareness Events," with individual screening of participants, in the 44th Senate District
American Legion Post No. 168 $6,500
for converting the heating system and other building improvements
Amsterdam Free Library $25,000
for books and other library materials, computers, equipment, renovations, improvements and programs
Amsterdam Little Giants Football League, Inc. $2,500
for protective football equipment and for concession equipment
Amsterdam, City of $25,000
for improvements to Shuttleworth Park
Amsterdam, Town of $12,500
to preserve the Hurricana Farm buildings and develop the site into a heritage museum
Ballston, Town of, Community Library $10,000
for books and other library materials, computers, equipment, renovations, improvements and programs
Better Neighborhoods, Inc. $7,000
for counseling programs, and for operations and equipment
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Capital Region $4,000
for materials, supplies and transportation costs incurred in providing the Big Brothers Big Sisters READS program in Schenectady County
Bridge Center of Schenectady, Inc. $7,500
for programs and operations
Burnt Hills Rowing Association, Inc. $2,500
for equipment and for repairs and maintenance for the boats and trailers
Burnt Hills-Ballston Lake Central School District $10,000
for a playground at the Charlton Heights Elementary School
Burnt Hills-Ballston Lake Central School District $17,500
to acquire and install computers for the high school media center
Burnt Hills-Ballston Lake Housing Development Fund Company, Inc. $25,000
for repairs and improvements at the Council Meadows housing facility, and for replacing or upgrading a fire/medical alarm system
Canajoharie Central School District $30,000
for computer equipment to establish portable computer labs
Canajoharie Library & Art Gallery $10,000
for books and other library materials, computers, equipment, renovations, improvements and programs
Capital District Community Gardens $4,000
for equipment and services for the Schenectady Community Gardening Program, and to develop new garden locations in Schenectady
Capital Region Action Against Breast Cancer! $3,500
to provide programs and services
Capital Region BOCES $7,500
to expand the streaming media service, including adding more titles to the collection of materials available to schools
Capital Region Center for Arts in Education $5,000
to provide arts programs and opportunities in Schenectady County schools
Catholic Charities AIDS Services $5,000
to provide case management support to persons with HIV/AIDS
Catholic Charities Caregivers Support Services $25,000
to provide respite services in Schenectady, Fulton, Montgomery and Saratoga counties
Catholic Charities of Fulton and Montgomery Counties $15,000
for software programs to help community residences improve compliance with Medicaid billing rules
Catholic Charities of Schenectady County $10,000
to implement a health and wellness program at senior meal centers, and to train volunteers
Center City Sportsplex $2,000
for operation and support of the PALS after-school soccer program
Center for Disability Services $25,000
for improvements to the facilities and grounds at Clover Patch Camp
Chamber of Schenectady County $25,000
for the Gillette-Millington Redevelopment Project
Charlton Historical Society, Inc. $10,000
for renovations and repairs to the historic Museum building
Charlton, Town of $25,000
to purchase and install a generator, and for equipment
Community Foundation for the Capital Region $5,000
to enable the Niskayuna Community Foundation to develop, print and distribute a directory of services available to residents of the community
Community Hospice, Inc. $7,500
to provide Community Bereavement Services programs to persons in Schenectady, Saratoga, Fulton and Montgomery Counties
Community Land Trust of Schenectady, Inc. $7,000
for operating costs in assisting families with housing issues
Community Maternity Services $4,500
for equipment, supplies and training for the Fulton County Parents as Teachers program
Corinth Free Library $10,000
for books and other library materials, computers, equipment, renovations, improvements and programs
Corinth Village Police Department $7,500
for defibrillators and equipment
Cornell Cooperative Extension of Fulton and Montgomery Counties $10,000
for after-school and school enrichment youth programming
Delanson, Village of $25,000
to replace or repair a retaining wall, and correct drainage problems
Duanesburg Area Community Center $20,000
for construction of the community center
Duanesburg Pop Warner $2,500
for protective equipment and uniforms, and for fencing and field maintenance
East Glenville Fire District 3 $5,000
to install an alarm / public address system
ECOS: The Environmental Clearinghouse, Inc. $25,000
to restore and renovate the historic Grange building
Eddy SeniorCare $7,500
to obtain equipment for the senior day center
Edinburg Emergency Squad, Inc. $5,000
to repair or replace pagers and radios
Empire State Aerosciences Museum $10,000
for renovations and improvements, and for the development and display of exhibits
Ephratah Volunteer Fire Department $3,500
for a defibrillator and related training equipment
Fonda-Fultonville Little League $2,500
for maintaining and improving the ballfields
Fort Hunter Free Library $10,000
for books and other library materials, computers, equipment, renovations, improvements and programs
Fort Plain Free Library $10,000
for books and other library materials, computers, equipment, renovations, improvements and programs
Fort Plain Senior Center, Inc. $7,500
for programs and operations
Friends of the Mayfield Library $10,000
for books and other library materials, computers, equipment, renovations, improvements and programs
Frothingham Free Library $10,000
for books and other library materials, computers, equipment, renovations, improvements and programs
Fulton County District Attorney's Office $40,000
for investigative and prosecutorial services
Fulton County Young Mens Christian Association, Inc. $25,000
to establish a new facility
Fulton-Montgomery Community College $40,000
for renovations and improvements to Evans Library
Galway Public Library $10,000
for books and other library materials, computers, equipment, renovations, improvements and programs
Galway, Town of $25,000
to purchase and install a generator, and for the development of athletic playing fields
Galway, Town of $3,500
for the Youth Commission and its activities and program expenses for the Community Youth Prevention Investment Project
Girls Incorporated of the Greater Capital Region $5,000
to provide programs to girls, and to transport girls to a summer day camp
Glenville Fire District # 7 $10,000
to acquire equipment, including demolition saws, hoses, and hose-related equipment
Glenville, Town of $15,000
to purchase and install a closed circuit surveillance system for the municipal building, parking lot and courtroom
Gloversville Public Library $25,000
for books and other library materials, computers, equipment, renovations, improvements and programs
Gloversville, City of $10,000
for renovation of the Littauer Pool House, and for equipment and programs of the Recreation Commission
Greenfield Fire District $17,500
to acquire and install generators
Hadley-Luzerne Public Library $2,500
for books and other library materials, computers, equipment, renovations, improvements and programs
Hamilton Hill Drop-In Arts and Crafts Center, Inc. $7,500
for computers, software and computer services related to offering the Arts and Technology Program to children
Hilderbrand-Davis Post 1895 V.F.W. $6,500
to replace the roof on the VFW building
Hilltop Volunteer Fire Company $15,000
for air paks, turnout gear and a generator
Hometown Health Centers $15,000
to implement an electronic health records system
Jewish Community Center of Fulton County, Inc. $7,500
for renovations to the health club and gymnasium, and for workout equipment
Jewish Community Center of Schenectady, Inc. $7,500
for building improvements, furniture and computer equipment
Johnstown Public Library $25,000
for books and other library materials, computers, equipment, renovations, improvements and programs
Junior Achievement of Northeastern New York, Inc. $3,500
to deliver Junior Achievement programs to schoolchildren in Schenectady, Fulton, Montgomery and Saratoga counties
Law, Order & Justice Center $5,000
to develop client databases, and for facility improvements
Legal Aid Society of Northeastern New York, Inc. $5,000
to provide legal services to low-income persons in Schenectady and Montgomery counties, and to upgrade computers
Literacy Volunteers - Mohawk/Hudson, Inc. $6,500
for materials and to operate and support the tutoring and adult education programs in Schenectady County
Literacy Volunteers of Fulton County $6,500
for equipment, materials and programs
Little Huskies Football League, Inc. $2,500
for safety equipment
Living Resources $25,000
for furnishings, equipment and renovations for group homes, and for equipment and training material for staff
Margaret Reaney Memorial Library $10,000
for books and other library materials, computers, equipment, renovations, improvements and programs
Mohonasen Central School District $10,000
for a playground, fitness and recreation area at Pinewood Intermediate School
Montgomery County Agricultural Society, Inc. $17,500
for building repairs and improvements
Montgomery County District Attorney's Office $40,000
to combat illegal drug trafficking
Montgomery County Literacy Project $6,500
for operating expenses, materials, supplies and equipment
Montgomery County Sheriff's Office $35,000
for an airboat and trailer
Montgomery County Veterans Service Agency $25,000
for a van to transport veterans to health facilities
Mothers Against Drunk Driving $2,500
for education and public awareness programs, and for the training of volunteers
National Kidney Foundation of Northeast New York $3,500
to sponsor early intervention and screening programs in the 44th Senate District
National Shrine of Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha, Inc. $12,500
for improvements to the grounds, roadways and parking facilities
New Netherland Routes, Inc. $10,000
to develop and distribute educational materials, including teacher guides, student activity workshops, videos, and a CD of period music
New York Folklore Society $10,000
for an informational kiosk, educational brochures and website enhancements
New York Library Association $7,500
to offer a training program in conjunction with Schenectady County Community College for library assistants and clerks
New York State Association of Chiefs of Police, Inc. $20,000
to facilitate the sharing of information between law enforcement executives
Niskayuna Central School District $10,000
for a playground at the Craig Elementary School
Niskayuna Central School District $10,000
for a playground at the Rosendale Elementary School
Niskayuna Fire District #2 $12,500
for defibrillators and portable radios
Northville Public Library $10,000
for books and other library materials, computers, equipment, renovations, improvements and programs
NYSARC, Inc. Montgomery County Chapter $50,000
for programs, equipment and operations
NYSARC, Inc. Saratoga County Chapter $15,000
for building improvements, and equipment, for the Corinth production facility
Oppenheim-Ephratah Central School District $20,000
for equipment, materials and building improvements
Partnership for Children, Youth and Families $5,000
to hold a youth leadership forum
Proctor's Theatre $10,000
for costs associated with holding the 2007 Arts Summit in Schenectady
Providence, Town of $25,000
to acquire a generator and to establish an emergency shelter
QUEST Inc. $3,500
for a youth literacy program, including publishing costs and costs for materials
Regional Food Bank of Northeastern New York $2,500
to upgrade computer software
Rockwood Rural Cemetery Association $4,000
for fencing and for maintenance and renovation projects
Rockwood-Garoga-Lassellsville Volunteer Fire Company, Inc. $10,000
to acquire pagers
Root, Town of $100,000
for vehicles and equipment for the highway department
Rotterdam, Town of $25,000
to improve drainage at town parks, and to improve parking facilities at town parks in order to improve access and safety
Rotterdam, Town of $15,000
for engineering and feasibility studies related to constructing a new police station
Rotterdam-Princetown Fire District No. 5 $14,500
to acquire a thermal imaging camera
Rural Grove Fire Department $10,000
for self-contained breathing apparatus and/or other firefighting equipment
SAFE Inc. of Schenectady $8,500
to rewire the building, to replace a staircase, and to obtain office supplies and supplies for clients
Saratoga Therapeutic Equestrian Program, Inc. $10,000
for improvements to the facilities and grounds
Schenectady Access Cable Council, Inc. $7,500
for building renovations and improvements, and for equipment
Schenectady Community Home, Inc. $10,000
to create and equip a volunteer training room
Schenectady County Community College $548,000
for the "Schenectady Model" of homeland security and first responder training
Schenectady County District Attorney's Office $25,000
to purchase and install surveillance cameras in the City of Schenectady, including the Mont Pleasant neighborhood
Schenectady County Public Library $25,000
for books and other library materials, computers, equipment, renovations, improvements and programs
Schenectady Day Nursery $5,000
for playground equipment and improvements to the playground area
Schenectady Fire Department $5,000
for a portable fire hose tester, classroom chairs and equipment
Schenectady Inner City Ministry $40,000
for acquisition, renovation and improvement of a building to house the Emergency Food Program
Schenectady Permanent Firemen's Association, Inc. $10,000
for physical training equipment
Schenectady Pipe Band, Ltd. $2,500
for uniforms, musical instruments and maintenance equipment
Schenectady Rowing Club, Inc. $2,500
for training and rowing equipment
Schenectady Symphony Orchestra $5,000
for producing a photochoreographed feature piece and/or for guest artists
Schenectady, City of $25,000
for construction and development of the visitor center at the Gillette House
Scotia - Glenville Central School District $10,000
for a playground at Glendaal Elementary School
Scotia - Glenville Central Schools $17,500
to obtain musical instruments and to acquire physical education equipment and create a fitness center
Scotia District Management Association, Inc. $40,000
for sidewalk replacement and construction
Scotia Permanent Firemen's Association $9,000
to clean the firehouse of diesel soot and other grime, and to replace furniture
Sir William Johnson Volunteer Fire Company, Inc. $15,000
to install a ventilation system, with a fire extinguishing system, in the firehouse kitchen
St. Clare's Hospital $50,000
for the Family Medicine Residency Program
St. Clare's Hospital Foundation $50,000
for renovations, equipment and furnishing