Senator Farley Announces Upstate Now Majority Plan
State Senator Hugh T. Farley (R, C - Schenectady) and his colleagues in the New York State Senate Majority Conference prepared the "Upstate Now" agenda, a comprehensive job creation and economic growth plan that will help revitalize the local economy and create upstate jobs.
"More than any other issue, my constituents talk to me about needing good, steady jobs," Senator Farley said. "There is no single solution to retaining and creating good jobs in our communities. That is why the Senate's comprehensive plan is so important. It builds on our strengths - such as our innovative small businesses and our world-class educational institutions -- and corrects our weaknesses -- by cutting the burdens of taxes, health insurance, and energy costs."
The "Upstate Now" plan includes:
* Reducing taxes, energy and health care costs for employers;
* Providing upstate with a 21st century economic infrastructure;
* Strengthen small businesses, manufacturing, agriculture, tourism and other key industries throughout the State;
* Making upstate an international leader in new and emerging technologies;
* Revitalizing downtowns and local communities throughout the region;
* Supporting clean, renewable energy initiatives;
* Strengthening our workforce;
* Enacting reforms to make the upstate region more business-friendly and economically competitive.
From tax cuts, to the JOBS NOW and Pipeline for Jobs initiatives, to the Jobs 2000 Plan, Gen*NY*sis, and Centers of Excellence programs, the Senate has kept its focus on promoting economic growth and job creation.
"We've has some recent economic success in our area," Senator Farley said, referring to the announcement of Sematech coming to the Capital Region and Beech-Nut relocating its national headquarters to Montgomery County. "The 'Upstate Now' agenda will build on these past drives and will help grow our communities."
For more information on the "Upstate Now" plan, click here.