Bonacic Expresses Opposition To Any Fare Hike To Newly Confirmed Mta Chairman

State Senator John J. Bonacic (R/I/C - Mount Hope) and four of his Senate colleagues, sent a letter stating their strong opposition to the Metropolitan Transit’s Authority’s (MTA) plans to substantially increase fares and tolls.
Senator Stephen Saland, Senator William Larkin, Senator Vincent Leibell, and Senator Thomas Morahan signed on to the letter to Chairman H. Dale Hemmerdinger. Chairman Hemmerdinger was confirmed by the Senate during the Special Legislative Session held on October 22, 2007.
Senator Bonacic stated, "Increases in transit fares and tolls places an increasing financial burden on the thousands of Hudson Valley commuters my colleagues and I represent who regularly use Metro-North rail service, MTA buses, bridges and tunnels."
"It’s time for the new Chairman to get right to work, look at the data, and thwart the MTA Board’s fare hike proposal," continued Senator Bonacic.
The Senators highlighted in their letter to Chairman Hemmerdinger the New York State Comptroller’s analysis which concluded that the MTA is now forecasting a positive year-end cash balance of almost $1 billion and that a fare hike would not be necessary to balance the Authority’s 2008 budget. They also pointed out the fact that, according to the Daily News, the new MTA data released this week shows that fare and toll revenues are up $49 million.
"At at time when reports have surfaced projecting a significant budget surplus at the M.T.A., an agency, which in past years, has traditionally underestimated revenues and overestimated deficits, it is important that MTA Chairman Hemmerdinger ask his MTA Board colleagues to revisit planned fare hikes. Already financially strapped with high taxes, the hardworking commuters of the Hudson Valley do not need an additional financial burden," said Senator Morahan.
"Keeping Metro-North affordable is essential to Hudson Valley commuters. Raising fares should be a last resort. I implore the MTA administration to consider the financial burden a fare hikehas on the average daily commuter and to pursue fiscally prudent measures as an alternative to raising fares," stated Senator Saland.
Senator Bonacic concluded, "I look forward to hearing from Chairman Hemmerdinger regarding this issue and am hopeful for a sensible decision that will not include a fare or toll hike for our hardworking Hudson Valley commuters."
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A copy of the letter to Chairman Hemmerdinger is available by calling (518) 455-3181 or via e-mail to bonacic@senate.state.ny.us.