Federal Court Supports Bonacic’s Law Against NYRI And Similar Power Line Companies
On Friday, October 26, United States District Court Judge Thomas McAvoy dismissed a lawsuit filed by New York Regional Interconnect (NYRI) against State Senator John Bonacic and Binghamton area Assemblywoman Donna LuPardo. Bonacic and LuPardo sponsored legislation to stop NYRI and similar companies from using eminent domain under State law.
"NYRI is bad public policy," stated Senator Bonacic (R/I/C - Mount Hope). "Power companies should not be able to blight our land and raise our electric rates for their own profit. I am pleased the Federal Court dismissed NYRI's lawsuit against me and that the law was upheld," Bonacic continued.
Last year Bonacic was the first public official to declare opposition to NYRI and has led a series of steps to try and stop NYRI at the State level. The State has rejected NYRI's application as incomplete in part at Bonacic's request, the Republican controlled State Senate launched a $1 million war chest to oppose NYRI, and brought regional leaders together to form a regional alliance against the NYRI plan.
Despite all the efforts at the State level, the Congress has failed to curb NYRI's power under applicable State laws. "Congress has talked the talk about stopping NYRI, but has not walked the walk. We need Congress to eliminate the federal authority for company's like NYRI to use eminent domain. NYRI is a private company and private property should not be taken for private profit. It is bad public policy and I will continue to fight it and any similar proposals at the State level as hard as I can," concluded Bonacic.