Serrano Speaks At Student Council Assembly

José M. Serrano

The Senator addressed students at Amber Charter School shortly before their Student Council elections. He discussed the importance of civic participation and voting, while praising the students of Amber for taking such an active interest in their community and their school.

The Senator discussed the structure of State Government, as well as his role as an advocate for the people of the 28th district. He also described the legislative process and how decisions made in Albany effect the everyday lives of New York's residents.

"In a similar way, the decisions your Student Council makes will effect your lives here at Amber," Senator Serrano said. "The vote you cast will shape those decisions."

The Senator also proposed a collaboration between his office and the new Student Council to help set up a recycling program at the school. He said he looked forward to working with the students of Amber to help make their school the best place it could be.