Golden Asks: "when Will Senator Hillary Clinton Take A Position On Drivers Licenses For Illegal Aliens?"
State Senator Martin J. Golden (R-C, Brooklyn) today issued the following statement in response to U.S. Senator Hillary Clinton’s lack of position on the issue of drivers licenses for illegal aliens:
"The people of this State, and our nation, deserve better from U.S. Senator Hillary Clinton than to dance, waffle and refuse to answer questions on her position on Governor Spitzer’s plan to issue drivers license to illegal aliens.
The Governor’s plan could jeopardize the public safety of all Americans and directly conflicts with the federal Department of Homeland Security’s opposition to giving drivers licenses to illegal aliens. The Governor’s plan raises very serious homeland security issues, and yet, Senator Hillary Clinton, who seeks to be our nation’s Chief Executive, will not take a position. Mrs. Clinton needs to understand that many are interested in hearing her position and she should take one.
The Governor’s controversial drivers license plan has sparked a passionate debate, with almost three-quarters of New Yorkers opposing the plan.
Senator Clinton’s opponents have rightfully pressed her for the answers that her constituents deserve. For Senator Clinton to avoid the issue and refuse to take a position, is truly a disservice to the people of this state and this country."