Golden Calls On Nyc Transit To Post Counters Along Express Bus Routes To Improve Service
Brooklyn- State Senator Martin J. Golden (R-C, 22nd District) is announcing that he is urging the New York City Transit Authority to post counters along the routes of the X 37 and X 38 express buses to monitor ridership in an effort to alleviate overcrowding conditions and schedule delays during both the morning and evening rush hour which is frustrating commuters.
"The New York City Transit Authority should place counters along these routes as soon as possible, for I have heard from many passengers and have seen first hand the long lines and the crowded buses present along these routes. Only with the placement of the counters can the Transit Authority closely monitor ridership, collect date, and make schedule adjustments that will increase the frequency of this service," said Senator Golden.
Senator Golden highlighted the fact that at peak rush hour, many times multiple buses drive past waiting customers because they are too crowded to pick up an additional passenger.
E-mails received by Senator Golden state that on the evening return, express buses are full before they arrive at 42nd Street, 34th Street and other stops before 23rd Street, leaving all those who board on 23rd Street or below without a seat. A complaint was also raised that commuters wait at times 25 minutes at 5th Avenue and 45th Street in Manhattan for an express bus with lines going all the way to the corner of the block. A local residents who boards at 52nd Street and Madison indicates waits of up to 50 minutes at rush hour for an X 38.
Senator Golden has received complaints about the morning commute as well from riders of the X 37 and X 38. One e-mail expresses frustration at having to wait for about 10-15 minutes each morning for an express bus to board at 86th Street and 7th Avenue, usually having to wait for at least one or two buses to pass until commuters can have a seat. Concerns along the X 27 and X 37, both in the morning and evening rush hour, have been expressed to Senator Golden and a request will be submitted for those routes to be monitored as well.
Senator Golden continued, "In the past, additional service has come about as a result of the presence of these counters, which I have requested, who have seen first hand the overcrowding. It is evident that this service continues to gain in popularity and with popularity comes the need for schedule adjustments and increases. This community deserves the very best in transportation services and working with the Metropolitan Transit Authority we can insure that is the case on these routes."