Golden: Fema Declares Brooklyn Disaster Zone
Brooklyn- State Senator Martin J. Golden (R-C, Brooklyn) today is calling the decision of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, declaring the borough of Brooklyn eligible for federal disaster assistance caused by the tornado of Wednesday, August 8, 2007, "the right decision for the people of Brooklyn and New York."
Senator Marty Golden stated, "The Federal Emergency Management Agency made the right decision for the people of Brooklyn. The morning of August 8, 2007, Brooklyn woke up to something none of us had ever seen before, trees down, cars damaged, roofs and homes destroyed, churches damaged and generally a sense of devastation was upon blocks and businesses. Damage of this magnitude requires significant financial assistance from the government to help the storm victims recover."
Senator Golden continued, "I continue to work with the City of New York and each homeowner, small business owner, car owners and others that have come to seek assistance related to housing and a host of issues including the obtaining of building permits. That morning, I felt it imperative that our community qualified for federal funding to rebuild. On behalf of the homes, businesses and families affected, I am glad that this decision was made and relief is in sight for all those affected. I thank Congressman Vito Fossella for his leadership and for his vigorous efforts, working with F.E.M.A., on behalf of our community."
Residents are encouraged to call 1-800-621-FEMA daily between 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. or they can log on to www.fema.gov. Small businesses can apply for federally-subsidized loans through the Small Business Administration (SBA) to repair or replace homes, personal property or businesses that sustained damages not covered by insurance, and may register with FEMA, and contact SBA, at 1-800-659-2955 or visit their website for an application at www.sba.gov.
For further assistance or information, please contact Senator Golden’s office at (718) 238-6044 or via e-mail: golden@senate.state.ny.us.