Golden Statement On Sentencing Of John Couey To Death
Brooklyn- State Senator Martin Golden (R-C, Brooklyn), who sponsored Jessica’s Law in New York State, a former New York City Police Officer, issued the following statement today:
"Justice was served today when a Florida jury recommended that a convicted sex offender, John Evander Couey, be executed for the kidnapping, rape and murder of 9-year old Jessica Lunsford.
My heart goes out once again to Jessica’s father, Mark, who I’ve met with several times over the years as he advocated for stronger laws in New York State for sexual predators like that of the monster who took his daughter’s life. It is because of Mark and tragedies like his that New York State now has a Civil Confinement Law.
New York State must move in the direction of restoring the death penalty so that for those who commit heinous crimes, we can punish them in this most suitable way. I continue to advocate for the restoration of the death penalty here in New York so that we can protect all our citizens, of the Empire State. Pedophiles who kill children do not warrant a place in our society. There is no more adequate punishment.
Mark Lunsford has stood strong in the wake of this terrible tragedy, traveling across the Nation, advocating for tougher laws against pedophiles. I do hope Judge Ric Howard’s sentence eases some of the pain for Mark and his family, my prayers are with them.