Senator Golden Names Marine Park Activist Rosemarie Carro As Senior Citizen Of The Year

Brooklyn- State Senator Martin J. Golden (R-C, Brooklyn), the Chairman of the Senate Aging Committee, is announcing that he has selected RoseMarie Carro as the recipient of the New York State Senior Citizen of the Year Award. Mrs. Carro was honored at a ceremony held in the State Capitol in Albany last week.
RoseMarie Carro was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York, where she continues to live today. She is a graduate of Sarah J. Hale Vocational High School. She married the late Carmine Carro and moved to Marine Park, Brooklyn, in 1964, where they raised their two children, Michael and Maria, and today is the devoted grandmother of Kristen, Michael, Charles and Carmine and the loving mother-in-law of Charles and Kathy.
RoseMarie continued her education at New York City Technical College majoring in Hotel and Restaurant Management and worked for over 30 years in two family-owned businesses, Sweet Caroline Caterers and Madison Steak House. Rosemarie continued to work in the food industry with the New York City Board of Education as a H.A.C.C.P. appointee with a Certificate from Cooks College at Rutgers University until she retired in 2003.
For the past 24 years, RoseMarie Carro has been an active member of the Marine Park Civic Association and is presently the fourth Vice-President of the Association. She chairs many committees responsible for the planning of special events including the Annual Haunted Halloween Walk, the Back to School Festival, and the Santa in the Park. RoseMarie Carro was the chairperson for the 80th Celebration of the Marine Park Civic’s service to the community event, and as fourth Vice-President she handles day-to-day details of the Civic dealing with social events, community projects and activities.
RoseMarie is the Treasurer of the Brigham Park #2 Board of Directors and founded a senior group in the Co-op Buildings. She serves on the advisory board of the Marine Park Seniors-On-The-Go program. RoseMarie Carro is a congregant of Resurrection Church and is a Eucharistic Minister in the parish. She devotes her Wednesdays to Beth Israel Hospital in Brooklyn visiting patients and distributing communion, and on Sunday, she visits with the residents of Crown Nursing Home.
Senator Marty Golden stated, "In recognizing RoseMarie Carro, we have recognized a true giant within the Marine Park and Brooklyn community who has made long lasting contributions to the goodness of our neighborhood. We applaud her for her efforts, we thank her and we look forward to her leadership and concern translating into even better and brighter days for all of us. I congratulate the entire Carro Family on RoseMarie’s selection as the New York State Senior Citizen of the Year."
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