Senator Golden: Parks Dept. To Increase Enforcement To Address Concerns Of Barbecuing In Local Parks
Brooklyn- State Senator Martin J. Golden (R-C, Brooklyn), today is announcing that the New York City Parks Department will be increasing area patrols in local parks, responding to complaints received through his office related the presence of barbecuing and litter. The New York City Police Department has also been asked to increase patrol in and around local parks and playgrounds.
Senator Golden’s office received complaints about people illegally barbecuing in Owl’s Head Park, Bay 8th Street Park and in the parks along Shore Road including 79th Street. The Parks Department has informed Senator Golden that there will be an increase in patrols by Parks Enforcement, with a special attention to the littering and barbecuing conditions. The Parks Department has also indicated their plans to provide additional signage to assist with education and enforcement.
Senator Marty Golden stated, "Working with the New York City Parks Department, we will maintain the high standards we have set for our neighborhood parks. We have worked tirelessly over the years to renovate our parks and playgrounds, to build them and make them unique, and to create within them places where families desire to go and spend time. We will not let the progress we have made be halted by those violating barbecuing regulations and by those who choose to litter in our parks. With enforcement, we believe we will be able to end this problem in our local parks and these community treasures will be our to enjoy."
Barbecuing is allowed in designated areas of certain parks only during hours when the park is open. There is no barbecuing under trees. All barbecues must be on elevated grills. All coals and litter must be disposed of in separate steel trash receptacles. Brooklyn Parks where barbecuing is permitted in certain designated areas include: Coffey Park, Kaiser Park, Manhattan Beach and Prospect Park. For complete rules and regulations governing New York City Parks, residents are encouraged to visit www.nycgovparks.org