Senator Golden Salutes Local Veterans

Brooklyn- State Senator Marty Golden, a member of the State Senate Committee on Homeland Security, Military and Veteran Affairs, recently hosted a breakfast and awards ceremony for local veterans as part of the community’s celebration and recognition of Veteran’s Day.
Senator Golden was joined by Colonel Tracey E. Nicholson, Commander, of the U.S. Army Garrison at Fort Hamilton in saluting the more than one hundred fifty veterans in attendance including members of the American Legion, the Veterans of Foreign War, the Catholic War Veterans, the Korean War Veterans of American, the Disabled American Veterans Post 154, the Military Order of the Purple Heart, and Brooklyn "Key" Chapter of the American Ex-Prisoners of War, the Vietnam Veterans of America, and the Blind Veterans of America.
In his remarks, Senator Golden stated, "Our veterans served on the land, at sea, and in the air, from the shores of Omaha Beach and the jungles of Vietnam, to the sands of the Persian Gulf, in Korea, in the mountains of Afghanistan, and many other battlefields around the globe. Through each of these challenges, the members of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard have protected our country and liberated millions of people around the world from the threats of tyranny and terror. Our proud veterans have also helped to shape the American character."
Senator Golden stated, "Veterans have given us an extraordinary legacy of patriotism and honor, and their service represents the highest form of citizenship. And by sharing the knowledge of the most proud and dramatic moments in our history, we can help educate and inspire a new generation of Americans."
Senator Marty Golden honored Captain Dominick J. Ivener, Commander of New York City Army Medical Recruiting Company. Captain Ivener served two tours of duty in Iraq and was awarded two Bronze Stars.