Senator Golden: U.s. Senate Democrats Playing Politics With 9/11 Illness Funding
Brooklyn- State Senator Martin J. Golden (R-C, Brooklyn) today charged that the Democratic controlled United States Senate, including New York Senators Charles Schumer and Hillary Rodham Clinton, is playing politics with federal funding to be allocated to the medical needs of those heroes who served at Ground Zero in the days, weeks and months following the attacks of September 11, 2001 at the World Trade Center.
Senator Golden is responding to the report of the planned $50 million in federal funds that Congress will attach to an emergency spending bill, set to pass this week, for the Iraq war.
Senator Golden stated, "Health care funding to aid the rescue workers who responded to the worst terrorist attack in American history should not be jeopardized by any means. Senators Schumer and Clinton, along with the Democratic leadership, are trying to pull wool over the eyes of the American people by trying to bring the War in Iraq to an end but, at the same time neglecting the allocation of this essential health care funding. It is inappropriate to tie the two issues together, and I urge the Democrats to separate the issue for the good of all New Yorkers and all the American people."
Golden continued, "There should be no debate here--we have an obligation to the rescue workers, the union workers, all the volunteers, and all of New York residents who are effected. Insuring their survival, health and well-being should unequivocally remain a top priority of government. The strategy of the Democratic controlled Senate is wrong and will fail--it is wrong for the American people-it is an example of dangerous public policy."