State Senator Golden: Prohibit B.a.s.e. Jumping In Nyc
State Senator Marty Golden will introduce legislation ending the reckless act of B.A.S.E. jumping from any building, bridge, antenna or similar structure in the City of New York.
"It’s time to end the reckless acts B.A.S.E. jumpers that endanger public safety," said Brooklyn Senator Marty Golden (R,C-Brooklyn). "Public safety is my top priority, but we must take into account that these senseless acts deplete the financial resources of building owners, businesses and the City of New York."
Specifically, Senator Golden’s legislation would create a class D felony for reckless endangerment of individuals jumping from an antenna, bridge or similar structure five floors or higher. The legislation would enable the City of New York and the building owner to grant a waiver under certain circumstances.
"There are appropriate places to engage in extreme base jumping, but the City of New York is not one of them."