Letter To Mayor Michael Bloomberg From Senator Ruben Diaz
Mayor Michael Bloomberg
City Hall
New York, New York 10007
Dear Mayor Bloomberg:
I write this letter to express my strong opposition to the New York City Department of Education’s plans to shut down the Martha Neilson School which is part of the New York City’s LYFE/Living for the Young Family through Education Program for Pregnant and Parenting Students. I remained deeply committed to my support for New York City’s high schools for pregnant girls, alternative high school programs, and GED programs which have saved many Bronx students from becoming drop-outs.
Upon learning about the New York City Department of Education’s plans to close these programs, I remain appalled that New York City would consider removing a pregnant teenager’s choice of obtaining a high school diploma by shutting down successful programs that help them to succeed. It is our responsibility to build upon these alternative education programs and GED programs which offer hope to our youth instead of ending them and offering our youth no way forward.
These programs have been in existence for approximately 50 years, and offer an array of comprehensive social services to meet the needs of young parents who wish to stay in school and complete their high school education. The Martha Neilson School is an institution that my constituents and I will fight hard to keep open and available for our youth. We will remain dedicated to offering this program, GED programs, and other educational efforts to offer a disciplined and respectful atmosphere and allowing students with past academic or behavior problems to graduate from high school and go on to college.
I look forward to your reply.
SenatorRuben Diaz
32nd Senatorial District
cc:Chancellor Joel Klein
Deputy Mayor Dennis Walcott
Senior Superintendent Cami Anderson