NYS Senator Rev. Ruben Diaz Supports The Inclusion Of A NYS Legislator As A Candidate For NYS Comptroller

State Senator Rev. Ruben Diaz strongly believes that one of the many members of the legislature who applied and were interviewed should have been included among the remaining candidates to fill the position of NYS Comptroller. "Their integrity, honesty and experience qualified any of them for the position of Comptroller," said Senator Diaz.
"I believe that if the Panel responsible for the selection of the three candidates, does not include a member of the legislature among the finalists, New York City Financial Commissioner Martha Stark should strongly be considered to fill the post left vacant by the resignation of Alan Hevesi.
"In an effort to promote equality and diversity among the leadership positions in the State of New York, I urge my colleagues to select Martha Stark, the only female and the only minority who, according to the panel, has proven to be as qualified for this leadership position as the other two contenders," emphasized Senator Rev. Diaz.
Martha Stark, Esq., is the first African-American woman to serve as New York City's Finance Commissioner. For the past four years, she has the experience of heading the 2,300 person agency charged with collecting $18 billion dollars in annual tax revenue, maintaining records for more than one 1 million properties, and conducting thousands of tax audits.
For further information, please contact Senator Rev. Diaz at (518) 455-2511.