Senator Saland Announces $6 Million For The Hudson Station
Senator Steve Saland (R,I,C Poughkeepsie) announced today $6 million secured for improvements at the Hudson Rail Station as part of an overall effort to create High Speed Rail service in New York. A $22 million commitment was signed this week to revitalize the State’s rail service, allowing for significant improvements along the Hudson rail corridor.
The New York State Senate High Speed Rail Task Force was established in 2005 to remedy the declining status of passenger rail service in the State. Recommendations from the Task Force included a two-part Action Program designed to improve rail service immediately and in the long-term. Phase A of the plan commits $22 million, of which $6 million is scheduled for improvements at the Hudson Station which would allow passenger and freight trains to continue through without slowing down or stopping while a train is in the station.
"Rail service is vitally important to our state’s economy," said Senator Saland. "These enhancements are a critical first-step in providing improved reliability and speed to the Hudson corridor," continued Saland.
At present there at two tracks at Hudson, however, a "hold clear" at the station allows only one track to be used at a time. Freight and passenger trains are held out of the station and not allowed to pass while a train is being boarded at the Station, causing delays and restricting flexibility in schedules.
This project adds an overhead walkway, elevator, and platform on the river side of the tracks connecting to the station. With this improvement in place, trains in opposite directions could platform at Hudson, or a freight train could pass a passenger train, relieving an existing constraint that has impaired on-time service. In addition, some track and reconfiguration will be require.
By eliminating the bottlenecking occurring in Hudson and providing safer passage, commuters and businesses using freight trains will benefit from improved service," said Senator Saland. "Creating increased mobility and a faster mode of transit is attractive to industry. Businesses seek areas with reliable, flexible means of transportation and this ambitious proposal is bringing us closer to that goal," concluded Saland.